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1.Capacity building/Peacebuilding & Conflict transformation

The programme is designed to offer practical support to people and organizations who are faced with volatile and potentially violent situations, and to build the skills and confidence of peace practitioners and partners so that they can be effective in their communities and become a resource to each other. COPA also does consultancies for other NGOs with the aim of building the capacities of their partners and staff members.

2. Women & Leadership

Under this programme, COPA seeks to build capacities of women to undertake leadership in political and peacebuilding processes specifically using the UNSCR 1325 as the advocacy model. Within the programme, trainings on human rights are also organized. Documentation aimed at raising the profiles of women peacebuilders and human rights champions have been done.

3. Trauma Awareness, Management and Resilience

Many parts of Africa continue to experience recurring violence though many peace-building initiatives continue to be undertaken. The trauma healing programme seeks to raise awareness about the effects of unhealed trauma and how this leads to cycles of violence. The programme promotes the use of trauma healing as a peace-building intervention that can help to break these cycles.

4. Research, Documentation & Learning

The purpose of research and documentation is to raise the profile of peace work and practitioners in Africa by recording, collecting and disseminating positive experiences and learning, and to undertake research that lays the foundation for the formation of an African Peace Institute.