Our Work
About Us | COPA

Capacity Building/Peace Building

COPA has actively engaged in capacity building trainings for peace, development, humanitarian and gender practitioners since 1998. These trainings have brought on board practitioners from Eastern Africa, The Horn, Great Lakes, West Africa and Southern Africa regions. They have been evolving to respond to emerging needs and challenges faced by practitioners.

Trauma Awareness & Management

This programme has been active since the year 2008. Its initiatives include capacity building of local organizations so that they can integrate trauma healing in their initiatives, trauma recovery at the community level through community forums, regional symposiums for trauma healing practitioners and a 5 day training on ‘breaking cycles of violence

Women & Leadership

COPA has actively engaged in this programme since 2008. It aims at building capacities of women so that they can effectively engage in peacebuilding, political and state building processes at grass-root, national and regional levels.

Research, Documentation & Learning

This programme aims at raising the profiles of practitioners working in peacebuilding, human rights and gender equity whose work has resulted in real change on the ground but due to lack of resources, their visibility have not risen beyond the villages.